
Friday, September 17, 2021

How I learned how to dance

Hi everyone I'm back with another blog this week we got to choose our create. It was based on hobbies. I chose a comic of how I learnt how to dance. Enjoy! What are your hobbies?

Play Roblox

 Comment if you agree with me 

Play Roblox!!!!!

Why pay your pocket money on mincraft when you can play roblox? There are thousands of games to play! Be what you want to be! Make new friends!

Roblox is basically like Minecraft but..BETTER! Roblox is free, you can make new games,roleplay with friends, create cool avatars, make groupchats and more!

Why should you play Roblox? Easy! You should play Roblox because you can create games , play around with friends , do quizzes , make funny or cool avatars and most of games! The devices you can play on are android , ipads , iphones, pc’s etc.

That's it 4 now, Byeeeeeeee

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Pick A Path

 On the first week of lockdown(Online school),for maths my maths group had to make a pick a path. My pick a path took a lot of time and a lot of effort.Anyways enjoy! 

Growth Mindset Kahoot

 In lockdown week 2,we got to choose our create. I chose to make a Kahoot. A Kahoot is a online quiz game you can play with your class,friends,family.Anyways here is the Kahoot I made.Enjoy!